Package to ease directed testing of HDL entities
Generics | Ports | Libraries | Use Clauses
uart_emu Entity Reference

Emulates an UART receiver. Writes receiver characters to a file. More...

Detailed Description

Emulates an UART receiver. Writes receiver characters to a file.

Waits for uart_input to leave rest state, and extracts data from the serial line, performing some sanity checks. If PARITY is either "even" or "odd", parity is also extracted from the serial line and checked against the expected value. In the case of a parity mismatch, an error will be printed in the simulation log. Received characters will be printed in OUTPUT_FILE state of the leds each time any the input bit changes. Does not keep any internal memory, led_input is assumed to be directly connected to the leds.

Definition at line 31 of file uart_emu.vhd.


uart_emu_arch  architecture
 Architecture is based on just a single process. More...


 Use IEEE standard definitions library.

Use Clauses

 Use std_logic* signal types.
 Use arithmetic operations and unsigned types.
txt_util  Package <txt_util>
 Use the chr function to convert integer to char.
 Include datatypes and procedures needed to write to files.
vhdl_verification  Package <vhdl_verification>
 Use the slv2string function present in the vhdl_verification package.


OUTPUT_FILE  string := " uart.log "
 File where received chars will be written.
VERBOSE  boolean := false
 Log beginning and end of transactions, as well as individual bit values.
DATA_BITS  integer := 8
 Number of data bits in the UART word.
PARITY  string := " none "
 Can be either "even", "odd", or "none".
BIT_DURATION  time := 104 us
 Duration of each bit, depends on baudrate (it is actually 1 second / baudrate)
STOP_BITS  integer := 1
 Can be either 1 or 2.


uart_input   in std_logic
 Connect here the TX signal from your design.

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